Illuma Health Clinic

Illuma Health Clinic is the home of trauma-informed care and somatic therapy in Singapore.

All our therapists take a relational approach to care and have undergone education on trauma-informed care. 


Why visit Illuma Health Clinic?

So much of our experience is non-verbal, unexpressed, and decontextualized as simply ‘part of us’.

Our therapists are going to take time to get to know you, listen to your story and work with you to illuminate your ‘why’.

‘Why am I like this?’

‘Why do I have these physical or mental health symptoms?’

‘Why can’t I fix it/change it?’

‘Why do I feel not quite right?’

‘Why does it feel like this isn’t really my life? - or the life I want?’

‘Why am I in pain?’

‘Why do I have problems with my personal relationships?’

Often the route to recovery and reclamation lies in the nuances of your story. 

It is through the safe relationship that you build with your therapist, that you can start to explore, make sense and find pathways to living a more connected, healthier life.

Common conditions we work with:

Stress/overwhelm/burnout, anxiety, depression, bipolar, abuse, auto-immune conditions, chronic pain, migraines, insomnia.

Origins of trauma

Trauma often lies at the core of our more difficult or unexplainable experiences. Trauma is when a past experience of threat, is still existing inside us now (even though the threat has passed). When unprocessed trauma lives inside us, it can affect us mentally/emotionally, physically and relationally.

Working with a trauma-informed approach to care addresses root causes from the past that can promote incredible change in the present.

Complete the ‘signs of trauma checklist’, to understand your experience and receive a basic assessment via email from our directors.

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Somatic Approach to Care

We can spend time making cognitive and rational sense of our experience, but this doesn’t address the feeling aspect.

‘I understand my experience, but I don’t FEEL any different.’

This is the common sentiment of someone who has tried multiple mainstream and left brain approaches to recovery. 

The somatic approach to care invites you to connect to your felt sense – the story of the body. It is here that we can connect to our right brain emotional experience, and integrate it with our left brain cognitive experience. This is mind-body integration. 

Somatic Therapy is a growing field, gaining more and more awareness around the world. It combines a top-down and bottom up approach with the goal of accessing and integrating our unprocessed experiences.

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Touch Therapy

Touch Therapy

Touch is a powerful form of non-verbal communication and has been used for centuries as a way to connect but also provide increased capacity for repair, healing and transformation. Our therapists adopt trauma-informed safe touch techniques as part of their somatic approach to care.